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История компании Spoon sports

История компании Spoon sports

Решил наполнить блог интересными мне записями. Думаю еще кому-то понравится.

Тюнинг ателье ставшее чем то больше, чем просто “клепальщик” деталей для автомобилей марки Honda. Автомобили от Spoon получили свой стиль и дух. Люди копируют этот стиль, начиная от покраски тормозных суппортов во флагманский неоново-голубой цвет, заканчивая покупкой различных реплик-деталей кузова в Spoon стиле и покраской в жёлто-синие цвета гоночной команды Spoon Sports. Кто то пытается урвать даже б/у детали от этой компании. Начнём с основателя Spoon Sports…

Ichishima-san в прошлом сам гонщик. Сейчас иногда выступает за свою команду в различных соревнованиях. Участвуя в кольцевых гонках в 80-ых годах, к Tatsuru пришла одна мысль. Удовольствие от вождения спортивного автомобиля, может не ограничиваться гоночной трассой. Кстати первым автомобилем Tatsuru был Honda Civic.

Как раз в это время любители марки Honda стали сбиваться в клубы. Обычным владельцам автомобилей тоже хотелось приобщиться к миру гонок, или просто как то выделить своё авто. Есть спрос, есть предложение. Tatsuru решил начать с производства карбоновых деталей, лёгких алюминиевых суппортов, облегчённых дисков и различных деталей для двигателя.

В 1996 году в Spoon начали продажу полностью собранных двигателей B-серии. Как утверждают в компании, они наши оптимальный баланс между мощностью и выносливостью. Эти двигатели применяются на Spoon машинах в гонках класса endurance. Сейчас в Spoon Sport конечно перешли на более современные двигатели. K20A от Civic/Integra и L15A от Fit/Jazz.

В 1997 году компания переехала в новое здание. В программу поддержки клиентов так же добавились лекции, касательно вопросов связанных с двигателями.
В 2001 году компания открыла свою мастерскую-магазин и по совместительству шоурум. Каждый желающий может доработать своё авто или установить купленную зап. часть в этом отделении Spoon, названным “Type-One”. Если вы хотите полностью доверится и отдать свой автомобиль в Type-One, чтобы с ним “чего нибудь сделали”, то сначала с вами будет проведена беседа и грамотные специалисты помогут понять, что вам нужно от машины. К слову Type-One находите буквально через дорогу от штаб-квартиры Spoon Sports.

Type-One это полное воплощение по мнению Ichishima-san‘а, каким должен быть дилерский магазин. Предложение полностью настроить автомобиль только со Spoon компонентами и с помощью грамотных специалистов, очень верный ход. Сейчас представлено на рынке огромное количество производителей деталей для доработки автомобилей и все пытаются что то продать. Но без грамотной настройки и совместимости деталей, это просто фарш из железа который не правильно, или не на полную мощность будет работать.

Теперь о логотипе компании и её названии. Почему в логотипе журавль? А слово Spoon вообще переводится как ложка…

Название компании Spoon происходит от одноимённого поворота на легендарной трассе Suzuka. Поворот довольно сложный и ошибка в траектории может стоить драгоценного времени, тем более что после этого поворота идёт выход на скоростную прямую. Согласитесь сходство с ложкой есть)

Логотип журавля связан с именем основателя компании – Tatsuru. С японского Tsuru переводится – журавль. Кстати журавль в Японской культуре считается счастливым символом и его связывают с самим хорошими человеческими качествами.

History and progress.

1988. Дата основании компании. Открыта мастерская по доводке автомобилей для гонок и магазин.
1989. Разработаны ECU и выпускные системы для гоночных авто.
1990. Дебют на гранд-при Macau. Гонщику Ikezawa управлявший автомобилем NSX, удаётся занять 3 место.
1991. 24 часовая гонка в Великобритании на трассе Snetterton. На модели EF удаётся занять первое место в своём классе. Пилоты: Ichishima, Roland James. Начало продаж в Европе из представительства в Великобритании.

1992. Началось участие в Японской гоночной endurance серии на автомобиле EF9 Civic.
1993. Компания выставляет свои автомобили на автосалоне в Tokyo. К этому времени идёт активное участие в различных гоночных серия в Японии, Малазии и Тайланде.

1994. На модель EG Civic представлен полный ассортимент карбоновых деталей.
1995. Построен EK Civic для участия в гонках. Выпущены лёгкие диски Spoon SW388 (вес одного диска всего 3.8 кг). Начало разработки алюминиевых тормозных суппортов.
1996. Переезд главного офиса. Начался выпуск полностью собранных двигателей с компонентами Spoon. Компания стала проводить семинары посвящённые ДВС.

1997. Honda запускает модель Civic Type-R EK9. Уже через 6 дней Spoon выводит на трассу Suzuka свой EK9 Type-R.

1998. Начало продаж регулируемых комплектов подвески, алюминиевых тормозных суппортов.
1999. Капитал компании возрос до 2.4 миллионов йен. Через пять месяцев после релиза S2000, Spoon выпускает доработанную версию. Машина становится победителем 9-часовой гонки на трассе Tsukuba в своём классе и занимает второе место среди всех классов автомобилей.
2000. На 24-ёх часовой гонки в Нюрбургринге, Spoon S2000 становится победителем в своём классе среди 32-ух участников. В этом же году компания начинает участвовать в Корейской гоночной серии – Inter Tec in Korea.
2001. Приобретён участок земли для открытия нового подразделения компании. Поступает заказ на 6-ть автомобилей Honda S2000 от разных гоночных команд, для участия в endurance серии Super Taikyu. Начинает работу клиентское отделение Type-One. Honda выпускает модель Integra DC5. В серии Super Taikyu одерживает победу в своём классе Spoon Integra DC5. Второе место в общем зачёте.

2002. Здание Type-One закрыто на реконструкцию. Spoon откладывает свои гоночные программы внутри страны и переносит их в Северную Америку и Европу. Spoon S2000 принимает участие в гранд-при Vancouver (Канада) и занимает первое место в своём классе. Участие в 25-ти часовой гонке Thunderhill (Калифорния, США) на автомобиле Accord. Первое место в своём классе.

2003. Type-One снова открыт для всех владельцев автомобилей Honda. Участие в 24-ёх часовой гонке в Великобритании. Первое место в своём классе. Автомобиль Honda Fit занимает второе место в своём классе на 25-ти часовой гонке Thunderhill.

2004. После успешного запуска новых продуктов на JDM рынке, компания решается выйти за рубеж. Spoon принимает участие в крупнейшей выставке SEMA в США. Тюнинг автомобилей Honda становится всё более популярным в Германии, Италии, Великобритании и Северной Америке. Начинается постройка автомобиля для участия в гонках, на базе Honda Legend. Победу в своём классе одерживает Honda Euro R, в гонке 25-ти часовой гонке Thunderhill.
2005. Honda Fit добивается всё таки победы в своём классе на 25-ти часовой гонке в Thunderhill.
2006. Финансовый капитал компании крепнет. Spoon решает уровнять деятельность на зарубежном и внутреннем рынке. Автомобиль Honda Legend участвует в 25-ти часовой гонке Thunderhill и занимает 5-ое место в своём классе.
2007. Дебютирует новый Civic Type R. Начинается разработка и продажа карбоновых элементов для модели Civic FD, а так же увеличенных дроссельных заслонок и ECU. Начало участия в серии Super Taikyu на трассе Suzuka. Участие нового Type-R от Spoon в 25-ти часовой гонке Thunderhill. Дебют завершается первым местом в классе.

2008. Завершение работы над двумя гоночными версиями FD2 Civic. Годовой объём продаж составляет 10 млрд. йен. Возвращение команды на гранд-при Macau после 15-ти лет отсутствия. Удаётся занять 3-е место в классе. Компания Spoon получает грамоту от полицейского департамента округа Ogikubo, за постоянный контроль общественной безопасности.
2009. Spoon занимает 3-е место по итогам сезона серии Super Taikyu. Организация первого ивента I Heart Honda 2009, на трассе Tsukuba. Участие в гонках Malaysian MME 12 (S2000), Macau GP (NSX-R GT), 25 hours Thunderhill (FD2 Civic).
2010. Организация ивента I Heart Honda 2010 на трассе Suzuka.

Spoon Inc.

Spoon Inc.

IndustryAutomotive industry
FounderTatsuru Ichishima
Headquarters5-2-8 Ogikubo Suginami,

Spoon Inc. is a Japanese company specializing in engine tuning and aftermarket parts designed to make Honda cars high performing vehicles. The company’s Type One showroom has helped Honda vehicles become major contenders in motorsports competitions. [1] These included the models that participated in the Tsukuba 9 Hours Endurance Race, the Super Taikyu, and 24 Hours Nürburgring. [2]


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Notable modifications
    • 2.1 Race cars
    • 2.2 Aftermarket parts
  • 3 Racing
  • 4 Type One
  • 5 References
  • 6 External links

Background [ edit ]

In 1988, Spoon Inc. was founded by Tatsuru Ichishima, who previously worked for Honda as a race car and test driver. His decision to setup the company had the backing of Honda and Mugen. [1] Honda’s support came in exchange for racing data. [3] The startup originated from the Honda Civic E-AT, which Ichishima owned and modified. [4] This vehicle became the basis of Spoon’s racing concept and philosophy that guide the company until today. [3] The company caters to car owners who seek higher performance lacking in their vehicles amid Honda’s shift towards eco-friendly technology. [5]

Spoon Inc. is known for its tuning parts, which — like those produced by Toda Racing — are popular for their naturally aspirated performance. [6] This type of tuner is noted for its aggressive side and the requirement for valvetrain upgrades. [6] The company is also known for producing aftermarket parts such as powertrain, suspension, aero-parts (supplemental pieces added to the body to improve aesthetics or aerodynamics), wheels, drivetrain, braking system, and cooling system. [2]

Notable modifications [ edit ]

Race cars [ edit ]

Spoon has been credited for making Honda a contender in motorsports through its racing modifications. [7] In Japan, Spoon Sports is particularly recognized as a leader in time attack and performance using Honda vehicles such as the Integra Type R, NSX, the S2000, [8] and the Civic. The very first racing car attributed to Spoon Sports was Ichisima’s own Honda Civic E-AT. The vehicle, which became the basis of Spoon, participated in the Japan Touring Car Championship. It held the distinction of the first Honda Civic to join the race. [4]

In 2008, Spoon launched the Spoon Honda NSX-R GT, which is based on the second-generation, 2002 Honda NSX-R. [9] This vehicle was modified to meet the requirements of the Japanese Super GT racing regulations. [9] In 2017, Spoon Sports fielded the Unlimited Class FD2 Honda Civic Type R, which set a record lap during the Global Time Attack at the Buttonwillow Raceway Park. [10] The company modified this vehicle as a front-wheel-drive racing car with Formula 1-style center-seating position.

In the course of its 20-year racing history, Spoon has distinguished itself in endurance racing, excelling in events like the 24-hour Nürburgring, the 25-hour Thunderhill, and Super Taikyu. [11]

Spoon-themed race cars are distinguished by a combination of blue and yellow livery while road cars are typically in white. [12] The race car color scheme, however, is increasingly getting more diversified after Spoon raced the S2000 in 2012. [12]

Aftermarket parts [ edit ]

Spoon has also produced iconic aftermarket parts such as the Spoon SW388, a lightweight aluminum forged wheel. [13] This wheel is comparable to the Volk Racing TE37 in terms of popularity, and is noted for its five-spoke design. [13] The company is also known for its more radical synchronized gear kits for vehicle transmission, noted for its extremely close ratio. [14] The Momo steering wheel, which it developed with the Italian car accessories company Momo, is another popular Spoon product around the world. [15]

Racing [ edit ]

Spoon has been racing Honda cars throughout their history. Their achievements include winning the Super Taikyu ST-4 class championship, [16] class wins at the 24 Hours Nürburgring, [17] Tokachi 24 Hours, [18] 25 Hours of Thunderhill, [19] Tsukuba 9 Hours, [20] and class podiums at the Macau Grand Prix. [21]

Type One [ edit ]

Spoon’s headquarters is mainly used as the main office, stocking of parts, and distribution. [22] The company opened Type One in 2001 according to a differentiation strategy where Spoon functions as a research and development of parts and tuning while Type One serves as a tuning shop for servicing and tuning cars. [23] All of Spoon’s products are on display at the Type One showroom and factory as well as the race cars that it has fielded through the years. [22] Engines are modified in this facility to be beyond factory specifications. [23]

Spoon also buys and resells Honda vehicles at Type One, turning these into bespoke cars such as the left-hand-drive NSX Type Rs. [15] The company provides maintenance and repair services at Type One. [15]

Spoon Engine – What Cars Have Spoon Engines?

Perhaps you have heard of the term “Spoon Engine” from watching the “Fast and Furious” movie franchise. Now, you want to know what a Spoon Engine is and are they real. Maybe you’ve seen one and maybe you haven’t. So, what is all of this “Spoon Engine Hype” about and where can you get answers about them? Well, spoon engines are real and you can get your answers inside of this post!

Auto Repairs Are EXPENSIVE

Regardless of what you heard, spoon engines are in fact, very real. There really is a Spoon Engine company that has been in business for over four decades now. Their name? Spoon Sports! Yes, that’s their real name! What’s that you say? You need to see their website? Well just click here , after you finish reading this engaging post!

In fact, the company calls their spoon engine revolution “Spoon-ism”! When it comes to street racing, Spoon Engines are the very essence of driving. With the company’s 40+ years of existence and experience, the road and track merge together to make their vision a reality!

What Cars Have Spoon Engines?

Spoon Engines are internal combustion motors that are known for their high performance. And with that title, comes high costs too. While Spoon Sports does purchase after-market parts, the reason they’re such a famous brand, is the fact that their engine gear and kits are designed for standard Honda models- such as the Accord, the Civic, the S2000 and even the Acura Integra. The selling point and idea behind the legendary Spoon Engine is the fact that Spoon Engine remodeling is to make the vehicles that they are found in, run as fast as the eye can see!

What Are The Spoon Engines?

The best way to describe a Spoon Engine is a professional-grade and highly-modified Honda engine. Additionally, Spoon Engines have the ability to equal car racing engines in terms of speed and power. One Spoon Engine can cost as much as a car (or for many a new home!) Spoon Engines are the only engines that are designed and assembled with genuine Spoon auto parts at the Spoon plant, located in Japan. You are able to purchase all the Spoon parts and assemble the motor in your garage, but you would not be able to call it a Spoon Engine. Lots of car parts are in fact Spoon car parts in addition to Honda OEM parts. Spoon Sports doesn’t place a focus on hardcore racing motor accessories. Instead, they focus on balancing and refining OEM parts from Honda engines.

What Does “Refining and Balancing” Mean To Spoon Sports?

Spoon Sports “refines and balances” Honda OEM parts, rather than producing or manufacturing them for the engines. So, what does “refining and balancing” really mean? It means that Spoon Sports modifies the motor components using some accurate and precise techniques. Some of those techniques include:

  1. Balancing the pistons and rods by producing their weight difference of no more than 0.01 grams.
  2. Measuring and weighing each engine parts to a precise 0.01 grams.
  3. Torquing the bolts to meet the 0.01 N/M of Honda measurements.

Additionally, the “balancing and refining” of the engine components help to improve the condition of each engine produced. Spoon Sports has their “refining and balancing” process down to an exact science. Their methods reduce the loss of power because of a lack of inefficiency. Their signature processes also help to ease power delivery, enhances throttle responsiveness and more! To put it bluntly, the Spoon Sports methods and sciences increase the performance of their legendary Spoon Engines.

Spoon Engine- A History and a “Need For Speed”!

Spoon Sports calls their history a “voyage”. From the beginnings of the Honda brand, Spoon Sports has been obsessed and intrigued with motor racing. From vehicles such as the “model N”, their love for cars has increased as the years have gone by. Spoon Sports raced throughout the 80s and in the 90s, Spoon Sports began racing overseas within various endurance races. They adore Honda Sports and turned that adoration into 40+ years of progress and innovation! “With it, we developed and introduced revolutionary tuning parts like the carbon hood, monocoque aluminum opposed atypical calipers and throttle bodies, adds Spoon Sports .

I Want a Spoon Engine! Where Do I Start?

So, you say you want a Spoon Engine eh? Then you would have the option of buying an engine that is pre-modded or a “crate engine”. And if you’re someone who has a money tree in your backyard, flowing with thousands of dollars from its branches, and you have a Honda engine in your possession, you can ship it to Spoon Sports. They’ll take that engine and rebuild it to your specifications. Then, you can tell your family and friends that you have one of the coveted and beloved Spoon Engines! You’ll automatically earn the name “Rice Boy”. It’s a name that is given to those who have had their Honda outfitted with a bonified Spoon Engine!

Are Spoon Engines Built For Everyday Use?

Not all! Spoon Engines/motors are built exclusively for car racing purposes. The engines are created for specific circuit racing which is different from drag racing. The Spoon components are about power, reliability and significant life span!

Who Buys Spoon Engines?

Many pro race teams purchase Spoon Engines. Racers are in need of an engine that has tremendous power and efficiency. So, they turn to Spoon Sports. Are you looking to buy a Spoon Engine even though you don’t race? You can. Many circuit racers can purchase the Spoon Engines too- since circuit racing requires the components of a legendary and iconic Spoon Engine. If you want an engine that is built for the highest performance, then a Spoon Engine is for you. Buying a crate motor may be a viable option for you. You can also contact Spoon Sports for crafting an engine for your specific Honda model of car.

What is the Average Cost of Spoon Engine?

Looking to buy a Spoon Engine? Keep reading and open your wallet!

Complete Engine – Honda S2000

The Spoon complete engine provides a suitable replacement for the old engine that may be in a Honda S2000 F20. The engine built by Spoon Sports is intended as a direct replacement for your current OEM engine.

The Spoon Engine is designed with the signature welding type head gasket that is the Spoon two-piece beam. This beam helps to raise the compression ratio. The engine is also a balanced engine that is blueprinted and created to 0.02g tolerances over the factory 2g tolerances. The cost? $12,703.38.

Complete Engine – K20A

This particular engine improves the compression radio and head gasket by utilizing the head gasket of the beam. The engine also offers better performance and sharp acceleration. The price? $11,493.54.

Spoon Sports Long Block (B16A Engine)

For the most stellar in endurance racing, you can have the “Spoon Blueprinted Complete Engine Assembly”. Each assembly is accompanied by a JDM Honda long block The Spoon Engine engineers took the time to reassemble the engine and craft a final product with blueprint and precision balances measured down to 0.02g. This measurement ensures stellar and quality performance during any endurance race.

The engines are assembled at Spoon Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Each motor is also crafted by hand under close inspection of authorities and highly qualified engineers. The engines are crafted to provide stellar performance, reliability and robustness. The cost of this engine? Around $15,739.88.

So, as you can see, Spoon Engines are quality engines that are built for someone who has a serious “need for speed”!

Spoon Sports Discontinues The Spoon B18C Long Block

Although Spoon Sports pushed support behind the B-Series engine after Honda introduced the twin-cam engine in the late 80s, Spoon made the decision to quit building the B18C long block. Reports indicate that a Honda enthusiast named Tommy Ha, bought the last B18C1 long block.

Spoon Sports received Honda B-series long blocks directly from Honda Japan. Spoon would then take and disassemble the whole engine. Armed with blueprinted specs that all B-series long blocks must adhere to, Spoon then balanced the pistons, connects the crankshaft and rods- then creates a component that was aligned with the .1 grams of accuracy. With this method, Spoon Sports was able to enhance the high rpm stability and mid-range power. You can view a photo of the last Long Block that Tommy Ha bought, by clicking here !

Looking to Sell Your Honda?

Do you need to sell your Honda to save up for a Spoon Engine? Are you just needing to get rid of your car? Sell that Honda to Cash Cars Buyer ! Whether you want a Spoon Engine for another vehicle, or just some cash, we can buy that car and pay you on the spot! We also offer:

  1. Guaranteed online offers 24 hours a day, seven days a week!
  2. Same day pickup for most of our junk car sellers!
  3. “FEE-FREE” services that make selling your Honda fast and easy!
  4. FAST payout! Once we buy your car, we pay you on the spot! Guaranteed! Ready to get started? Click here and let’s turn that car into fast cash!

Spoon Engine?

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  • Dec 29, 2007
  • #1
  • eg6sir
    Supa Mod
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #2
  • slammedaccord329
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #3
  • rex187
    New Member
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #4
  • phunky.buddha
    Admin with a big stick
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #5
  • 93civicracer
    Oh, I do a little here and there.
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #6
  • I’m not sure if you can literally «buy» a Spoon engine.

    To me a Spoon engine is your basic b16a/whatever honda motor you have but just all completely rebuilt with Spoon Sports parts?

    Brutal Moderator
    • Dec 29, 2007
  • #7
  • I’m not sure if you can literally «buy» a Spoon engine.

    To me a Spoon engine is your basic b16a/whatever honda motor you have but just all completely rebuilt with Spoon Sports parts?

    Oh, I do a little here and there.
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #8
  • lmao at the f&f quote

    Guess he got tired of being too slow to get away with the money he’s holding for the races lol.

    New Member
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #9
  • hatukazi
    ambitious. but rubbish
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #10
  • apparently $7085 but they dont say what they did to make it cost that much

    New Member
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #11
  • INJEN78
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #12
  • its an engine that is made by spoon with all of spoon parts. basically just a way to get more money buy putting their name on it

    and singles arent givin the redit they should.
    SiNgLeZ OwN.

    New Member
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #13
  • 93civicracer
    Oh, I do a little here and there.
    • Dec 30, 2007
  • #14
  • FObangah
    • Dec 31, 2007
  • #15
  • As far as just being a stock engine with parts thrown at it would be absurd to think. SPOON sports puts alot of R&D into there products. But then again, I do feel alot of the products SPOON offers are over hyped. To answer the original question, a SPOON engine is just that. an engine «built» by SPOON.

    CALESTA; Spoon and Fork motorsports are in a joint effort to create a revolutionary performance engine. Check it.

    Admin with a big stick
    • Jan 1, 2008
  • #16
  • EJ1B18C
    New Member
    • Jan 1, 2008
  • #17
  • FObangah
    • Jan 1, 2008
  • #18
  • *UPDATE* I just talked to one of the rep.’s over at SPOON. They said they are abandoning all ties with FORK Ind. Inc. and has sold the pattents to KFC. The SPOON/Fork developed products will be given away with every value meal and/or » Famous Bowl».

    All jokes aside, I don’t see where it would be lucrative to own a SPOON built engine for those prices. I am kinda attached to their MOONCRAFT hard top though. I think the ol’ S2K would look sick with one.

    Visiting Spoon Sports to Shoot Their Group A Honda Civic E-AT Hatch

    A rare look at Spoon’s old-school touring car racer

    Spoon Sports president Tatsuru Ichishima is now an icon in the Honda tuning world, but there was a time when he once was a newbie. Back in 1985, when Spoon was still «Tatsuru Ichishima Company», the 33-year-old was building his very first race car on his own. Although he was a privateer, the Spoon founder was able to gain support from Honda and Mugen for parts. In exchange, he provided racing data. When we asked him why he was able to get this kind of support he just chuckled and said, «I used to be a test driver for Honda. Back then getting the support from the manufacturers was huge. But I didn’t realize just how special that was until later. At that time, all I wanted was to race.»

    As a test driver, he had of course plenty of track experience and done his share of time underneath a car, but this race car was special. His Honda Civic E-AT would become the first Civic to enter the Japan Touring Car Championship series even before the Honda team and also become the basis of Spoon’s racing concept and philosophy of today.

    For many years the car sat in Spoon’s speed shop, Type One, among their later race cars like the NSX Type-R and Integra DC5 as a symbol of the Honda tuner’s racing heritage, although they can hang with new cars of today. It may be old-school, but you better come ready because this old timer can lap Tsukuba pretty quickly. The amazing thing about this car is that not only is it fast, but it’s in great running condition and is an endurance car that can constantly go fast.

    As you can see in Spoon’s cars of today, their building concept was formed right at this time. Ichishima always stresses that a car must be fast and durable. One of the things that Spoon does to make this happen is weight reduction, and his target was to slim down to 900kg (1,984lbs). This was before carbon-fiber, high-tensile steel and titanium. As you can see the car is completely gutted out to the bone, reinforced and built up according to strict FIA Group A specs.

    This third generation Civic was designed by Honda under the MM (man maximum/mechanics minimum) concept. It was clearly designed from the factory to become a fun-to-drive vehicle with the same DNA from Honda’s motorsports. The car would later attain the popular Wonder Civic nickname and win the first Japan Car of the Year award for Honda. Basically, this was the car that put the Honda Civic on the map. It was an obvious choice for Spoon to take this car as a base vehicle and turn it into a full-blown racing machine.

    Under the bulged hood is the 1.6L DOHC ZC engine with programmed fuel injection (PGM-FI). The ZC engine is to become the defacto sports twin-cam engine before Honda comes out with the VTEC. The ZC has a long stroke for a sports engine and had the speed that paralleled F1 engines back then. The PGM-FI gives lots of low rpm torque and smooth revving across the board. The Spoon racing E-AT boasts 230hp at 9800rpm where the stock E-AT Civic Si with the ZC gets 130hp at 6,800rpm. Within the JTC Series, the battle between the Civics with the ZC and the Corolla Levins with the 4A-GE becomes the big rivalry of both the makes and motors.

    The ECU is made by Keihin, which is Honda’s biggest electronics system supplier. Ichi-san modestly said, «We weren’t able to set up the car during practice, so we had to wing it as we went.» It was set up so the front and rear brake distribution, fuel mapping and ignition timing can all be controlled from the cockpit.

    Spoon also tuned the transmission gears to close ratios to adapt to the various tight curves of Japanese tracks. This also allows the Civic to operate near the maximum power band of the engine a majority of the time. Another tuning concept that Spoon still practices today is enhancing the performance of the original part. This means using the same hardware but by tuning and polishing, that same part contributes to raising the overall performance of the car. By buffing up, cleaning and pampering it and feeding it high performance transmission fluid, Spoon was able to lower the friction produced within the gearbox thus hoisting the endurance level. The current close gear set by Spoon still makes use of the same gear ratio from the Group A days.

    Spoon also chose Nissin brakes, another OEM Honda brand, to tune and perfect the braking. Pads were replaced to high performance racing pads, but the hardware basically remained stock. Today Nissin still manufactures the high performance monoblock and twin-block calipers for Spoon.

    Showa suspension was the way to go for Spoon since whether it’s a racing car or not, Ichishima’s cars are very easy to handle. He says the feeling is very linear and nothing tricky. If you already guessed, you guessed right; Showa still produces specially tuned Spoon legs to this day.

    Many of Spoon’s cars have made it over Stateside and this E-AT Civic did, too, in 2013. Making an appearance at the Honda Day event at Old Bridge Township Raceway Park in New Jersey, in addition to a handful of other places, the Spoon president was able to give fans a special look at racing history.

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