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WP Engine

WP Engine

Partnering with Cloudflare plays a key role in WP Engine’s delivery of the fastest, most secure managed WordPress hosting solution.

WP Engine is the world’s most trusted WordPress technology company, used by more than 150,000 customers in 150 countries, powering the freedom to create with the most relied-upon brands and developer-centric WordPress products for companies and agencies of all sizes.

Challenges: Enhance and offer a more robust managed hosting solution

As a WordPress technology provider, WP Engine offers its customers leading performance and security optimizations along with hosting solutions. In 2018, the company began iterating on a product that would couple performance enhancements with a web application firewall (WAF) and DDoS mitigation. WP Engine focused on how to protect customers against emerging threats and high-volume DDoS attacks, while exploring a chance to optimize performance and security internally, but it needed a partner to help build out this new product, which became known as Global Edge Security.

Additionally, WP Engine wanted to abstract away the complexity of DNS configurations for its customers and find additional options for SSL certificate management.

WP Engine chose Cloudflare because it offered an expansive suite of performance and security solutions. After implementing Cloudflare DNS, WP Engine partnered with Cloudflare to build out its GES product, adding Cloudflare CDN, Argo Smart Routing, the Cloudflare WAF, and Cloudflare DDoS mitigation. WP Engine also added Cloudflare SSL for SaaS.

Cloudflare DNS minimizes DNS-related support tickets

Cloudflare DNS has significantly reduced DNS-related support tickets and improved the stability of WP Engine’s hosting platform. Currently, WP Engine has about 4.7 million DNS entries on Cloudflare DNS.

Because Cloudflare uses an anycast network with a stable IP address, WP Engine’s customers no longer have to reconfigure their DNS settings when WP Engine needs to migrate their sites on the back end. “Customers configure their DNS settings only once, when they first onboard to WP Engine,” says Michael Smith, Senior Architect. “If we need to migrate them to another server, the change is invisible on their end.”

Additionally, Cloudflare DNS is integrated into WP Engine’s Domain Connect solution, which is based on an open standard that abstracts away the complexity of configuring DNS records. This has further reduced DNS-related support tickets when onboarding new customers.

WP Engine and its customers have also benefited from Cloudflare BYOIP (Bring Your Own IP). “Some of our customers want to run their sites on their apex domain instead of going through Cloudflare, and for technical reasons, they must point to specific IP addresses,” Smith explains. “BYOIP provides them with stable IP addresses to point at. This is very important, because this also enables those customers to use Global Edge Security.”

Cloudflare’s security and performance solutions enable WP Engine to deliver excellent value-add with Global Edge Security

WP Engine’s team worked closely with Cloudflare to build the Global Edge Security product, which integrates Cloudflare CDN and Argo Smart Routing, the latter of which improves performance by routing dynamic content around network congestion, with the Cloudflare WAF and DDoS mitigation.

“Our customers are very happy with Cloudflare’s CDN,” Smith says. “Our previous CDN solution was only for static assets. Cloudflare’s solution offers better performance because everything goes through the same origin.”

The WP Engine team found Argo Smart Routing very easy to deploy, and the solution improved performance in two areas of the world where WP Engine had seen issues with high latency. “Argo Smart Routing cut response times by 35% on average. The performance improvements were even greater for sites with global audiences.”

Cloudflare worked closely with WP Engine’s security team to craft managed rules for the WAF that were specifically tailored towards both WordPress and WP Engine’s platform. “We serve customers from many different industry verticals, and their security needs differ. Additionally, the security needs we have internally are different from our customers,” explains Denver Serrao, Software Engineer. “Cloudflare helped us set up rules that worked for both us and our customers.”

Cloudflare SSL for SaaS gets WP Engine out of the certificate management business and will play a key role in an upcoming product

WP Engine is gradually phasing in Cloudflare SSL for SaaS to manage its customers’ SSL certificates. They expect this phase-in to accelerate once WP Engine launches its new Advanced Networking offering, in which SSL for SaaS will play a large role.

“We are looking forward to all of our customers being able to take advantage of the offerings of Advanced Network as opposed to just the customers who have opted in to Global Edge Security.”

The WP Engine team eagerly awaits that day. “Once we’ve migrated all of our customers to Cloudflare, we’ll be able to focus on enhancing our product offerings instead of managing certificates.”

WP Engine raves about Cloudflare’s customer support and pace of innovation

Cloudflare’s round-the-clock customer support gives WP Engine peace of mind that their customers are being cared for, while Cloudflare’s rapid pace of innovation makes WP Engine confident that its partnership with Cloudflare will help further its vision and organizational goals.

“Cloudflare support is excellent,” Serrao says. “Whenever we’ve encountered an issue, with Global Edge Security or otherwise, Cloudflare has always been very responsive and has generally helped us solve the problem quickly.”

WP Engine’s contacts at Cloudflare work closely with WP Engine to ensure that WP Engine is kept up to date on new Cloudflare products and product enhancements. “Sometimes, Cloudflare has introduced us to very helpful new features that we didn’t even think about,” Smith says. “The value of WP Engine’s partnership with Cloudflare is continually increasing, which makes it easy to advocate further integration with Cloudflare to our company’s leadership team.”

“WP Engine has a true partnership with Cloudflare,” adds Ellie Cooper, Senior Tech Partner Manager. “Their team has helped us think strategically, and they’re always willing to connect us with product managers to get a first look at new solutions that Cloudflare is developing.”

Routes to finance

IS WP ENGINE Worth IT? Is WP ENGINE any good?! (Honest Review) (Август 2021).

WP Engine является ведущим веб-хостом в управляемой категории хоста WordPress. В этом полнометражном интервью Остин Гюнтер объясняет все аспекты веб-хостинга. Прочтите полный обзор WP Engine.

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Брайан Хейнс: При выборе веб-хостинга, что должен знать владелец бизнеса?

Остин Гюнтер: Хостинг управляет гаммой технических деталей, и не каждый владелец бизнеса имеет время для исследования хостинга с нуля.

Первое, что нужно сделать, — это то, на каком программном обеспечении вы хотите построить сайт. На данный момент WordPress обеспечивает около 18% Интернета , потому что это программное обеспечение для владельцев бизнеса, которым нужен чистый и красиво оформленный веб-сайт, который легко обновить. WordPress подходит для счета, а также является безопасным решением, которое защищает конфиденциальные данные в Интернете.

Следующим шагом должно быть посещение эксклюзивной хостинговой компании WordPress или Управляемого хоста WordPress. Это означает, что компания, специализирующаяся только на WordPress, поэтому построила свою технологию с нуля для повышения производительности и безопасности. Не хостинг с управляемым хостом WordPress походил бы на то, чтобы ваши налоги были у вашего адвоката, чтобы сделать — вы не получите отличных результатов.

Много раз, хостинг является запоздалой мыслью, и решение принимается на основе того, как дешевый хостинг можно купить. Дешевый или общий хостинг, который оставит их висящими, когда они получат много трафика, или кто-то пытается взломать их сайт.

Владельцам бизнеса нужен быстрый и чистый сайт, который выглядит красиво и представляет свой бренд. Наиболее важным ключевым словом является «Управляемый хостинг». Это означает, что хостинговая компания имеет серверы корпоративного уровня, которые бывают быстрыми и масштабируемыми, а это означает, что владелец бизнеса получает выгоду от того, что на сервере SysAdmins на уровне предприятия работают серверы.

Вы можете рассчитывать заплатить больше за такое качество, но альтернатива платит 6 долларов в месяц за медленный веб-сайт, который не впечатляет ваших клиентов.

Управляемый хостинг также означает, что компания берет на себя всю безопасность от вашего имени. Такие компании, как WP Engine, фактически гарантируют безопасность вашего сайта, поэтому, если вас взломали, хостинговая компания будет покрывать расходы на очистку, которые могут составлять тысячи долларов, в зависимости от размера сайта.

Bryan Haines: Какие функции действительно имеют значение при сортировке всех опций и функций?

Остин Гюнтер: Это зависит от того, что вам нужно для вашего бизнеса. Поддержка, вероятно, является «функцией», которая будет иметь большое значение для вашего хостинга. Когда вам нужна помощь на вашем сайте, вы хотите поговорить с гениальными людьми, которые могут быстро решить ваши технические проблемы, и терпеливы, чтобы помочь вам разобраться в этом.Поскольку вы размещаете на WordPress, убедитесь, что команда поддержки состоит из экспертов WordPress, поэтому они могут исправить не только серверы, но и сайт.

Ищите хост, который автоматически создает резервные копии вашего сайта каждый день, И не взимает плату за удовольствие (некоторые будут). Затем найдите компанию, у которой есть промежуточная область, и опция для контроля версий.

Поверьте мне, ваш разработчик и дизайнер поблагодарить вас за это.

Bryan Haines: Что вы предлагаете, что отличает вас от других веб-хостов?

Остин Гюнтер: У WP Engine есть лучшая поддержка для управляемого WordPress Hosting в Интернете. У нас больше инженеров поддержки для каждого клиента, чем у кого-либо еще, и каждый из них имеет многолетний опыт WordPress. Мы также являемся единственной компанией, которая гарантирует нашу безопасность. На этом этапе вы должны предположить, что ваш хост WordPress невероятно быстрый и масштабируемый при высокой нагрузке на трафик, но у WP Engine есть секретный соус в нашей технологии под названием EverCache, что означает, что сайты WordPress, которые размещаются у нас, быстро растут и невероятно масштабируемым. Получите этот огромный всплеск трафика, и ваш сайт никогда не опустится.

WP Engine — единственная управляемая платформа для WordPress.

Это означает, что мы создали наш сервис с предприятиями, которые хотят строить амбициозные проекты с помощью WordPress, а также для разработчиков, которым нужны удивительные инструменты для создания не только блогов, но и полномасштабных веб-сайтов и приложений на WordPress. Например, у нас есть промежуточная область с одним щелчком мыши, а также Git-Push для управления версиями.

Вы можете полностью настроить свою тему и использовать плагины, которые вы выбираете в WP Engine, но вы по-прежнему получаете управляемую безопасность и скорость. Это лучшее из обоих миров.

Брайан Хейнс: Может ли выбор веб-хоста повлиять на SEO отдельного сайта?

Остин Гюнтер: Абсолютно. Google учитывает скорость сайта со своим алгоритмом поиска, поскольку они обнаружили, что каждые дополнительные 100 мс времени загрузки страницы означают 20% -ное падение трафика. Чем дольше ваш сайт загружается, тем больше посетителей покинет сайт и отправится в свой день. Вам нужен хост, способный обслуживать страницы за 1,5 секунды или меньше. Владельцы бизнеса, которые переходят на WP Engine, видят, что их сайты загружаются в среднем на 2x-4 раза быстрее и сразу же начинают увеличивать результаты своей поисковой системы.

Брайан Хейнс: Насколько важны проценты простоя, которые часто отображают веб-хосты? Какая разница между разными хостами? Как надежность WP Engine?

Остин Гюнтер: Время в критическом состоянии, но измерение его может быть сложным и увеличивать время простоя тех последних нескольких процентных пунктов. Хосты обычно рекламируют где-то между 99% и 99. 999% времени безотказной работы. Предполагая 365-дневный цикл, 99% времени безотказной работы фактически означает несколько дней незапланированного (прочтенного, не запланированного технического обслуживания) времени простоя для ваших сайтов. Это означает, что 99. 999% сокращают ваш сайт до нескольких часов бездействия в этом году. В этом разница между оплатой для общего хоста и большей оплатой за управляемый хост, который даст вам как минимум 99.99% времени безотказной работы. Чтобы дойти до 100% времени безотказной работы, потребуется десятки тысяч долларов в месяц на хостинг и время sysadmin. Пересечение между затратами и временем безотказной работы — это то, где большинство владельцев бизнеса находят себя, и именно поэтому управляемый хост снова является выбором все большего числа владельцев бизнеса. Они могут заплатить в пять или шесть раз больше, чем общий хост будет стоить и получить кусочек корпоративного хостинга, который в противном случае стоил бы десятки тысяч в месяц.

Bryan Haines: Вы предлагаете упрощенную настройку / хостинг / обслуживание блога?

Остин Гюнтер: Абсолютно. Вы получаете полностью установленный сайт WordPress, и мы будем управлять обновлениями WordPress, безопасностью и масштабируемостью. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это настроить тему и поставить свой брендинг там. Никогда не было проще получить ваш бизнес в Интернете.

Bryan Haines: Какой инструмент резервного копирования вы рекомендуете для блогов WordPress?

Остин Гюнтер: У нас есть собственные резервные копии, которые мы создаем в ночное время. Тем не менее, мои чувства никогда не пострадают, когда наши клиенты выбирают резервные резервные копии и используют что-то вроде Backup Buddy. Вы не ошибетесь.

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Bryan Haines: Может ли сайт, размещенный в другом месте, перемещаться на ваши серверы? Как это может быть сделано?

Остин Гюнтер: Пока сайт основан на WordPress, вы можете легко переносить его на наши серверы. Мы даже помогаем с миграцией, если это необходимо. Многие люди предпочитают мигрировать самостоятельно, или их разработчик это делает, но за фиксированную плату мы можем позаботиться об этом.

Брайан Хейнс: Какой уровень поддержки вы предлагаете в своем базовом пакете?

Остин Гюнтер: Мы предлагаем полную поддержку в Zendesk экспертами WordPress. Мы ответим на большинство билетов в течение 30 минут и вернем вас в онлайн-режиме. Для бизнес-пакета, который многие компании предпочитают, вы получите поддержку по телефону и можете даже выбрать специализированного менеджера учетных записей, чтобы они всегда разговаривали с одним и тем же лицом, когда у них возник вопрос.

WordPress in the enterprise: WordPress VIP, WP Engine or self-hosted?

As one of the most popular content management systems in the world, WordPress has long dominated the digital landscape, and today powers over 35% of the web. The reasons for its success are easy to see, with WordPress’ renowned flexibility and usability supporting rapid development for quicker time-to-market.

What you might not be aware of, however, are the benefits that WordPress can offer the enterprise market. A quarter of the world’s top 10,000 websites rely on WordPress to deliver valuable content, information and services, and at Box UK we’ve seen first-hand how it supports large, complex and high-transaction solutions, having used the platform t o develop global ecommerce site

Of course, managing an enterprise site on WordPress brings with it a very different set of hosting considerations, and there are a wide range of solutions on the market that address this. In this article we’ll compare the offerings of two leading hosting providers, WordPress VIP and WP Engine (disclaimer: we are a WordPress VIP Silver Agency Partner and a Strategy Partner agency for WP Engine), a nd also look at some of the key considerations involved should you choose to self-host, to ensure your infrastructure is able to effectively support your digital offering.

WordPress VIP

What is WordPress VIP?

WordPress VIP is the digital experience platform from Automattic, the company behind itself. It provides an enterprise version of WordPress, including purpose-built cloud hosting, integrations with leading technology providers, and a dedicated support service.

Who uses WordPress VIP?

WordPress VIP is used by a number of large-scale organisations that require a solid platform for their content-rich sites, such as the New York Post, Santander, Accuweather, AirBnB and CNN.

What are the key features of WordPress VIP?

Highlights of WordPress VIP include:

  • Blazing-fast performance
  • Unparalleled security
  • Comprehensive support

As can be seen from its client list, WordPress VIP’s focus is on supporting websites at scale. Its cloud-based hosting platform leverages a globally-distributed network and behind-the-scenes plugins to maintain the highest levels of performance, putting it “in first place for average response time” compared to its competitors.

«I’m not sure what VIP is running, but it put up the absolute fastest scores that I’ve seen by a wide margin.»

Their tooling includes the Jetpack plugin, which provides administrators with an extensive toolset to help monitor and optimise every aspect of their site’s performance, and which comes set up and ready to go with each WordPress VIP installation. It also includes the VIP Command Line Interface (CLI) tool, allowing developers to control and command the entire application, and version-control for custom code.

Another key focus for WordPress VIP is security. Their custom-designed infrastructure is self-owned and optimised for WordPress deployments. WordPress VIP also has a technology partner programme that offers a library of plugins providing all the features an enterprise site could want (including personalisation, SEO and analytics) without compromising on security.

WordPress VIP additionally offers a comprehensive support service, which includes 24/7 critical outage assistance, and a dedicated help desk to raise and resolve any additional issues. Importantly, because WordPress VIP comes from the creators of, there’s a direct line to core WordPress developers, as well as a host of other significant plugin and library maintainers.

This can speed up the resolution of issues, and provides a valuable level of confidence in the quality of any advice provided.

Ideal for:

Built for enterprise organisations that place a premium on delivering a reliable, stable and fast experience, WordPress VIP is a great solution if you’re dealing with complex, content-rich and/or high-traffic sites, or if security is a priority concern.

Its infrastructure means it’s well-placed to support rapid scalability, making it a good choice for anyone looking to grow their offering too.


Due to WordPress VIP’s enhanced features and tooling, effectively navigating this landscape will require a team experienced in working on the platform. Choose the right agency partner, however, and you’ll get a secure and robust site that aligns with the latest best practices. WordPress VIP’s own developers are also on hand to consult on meeting these, and their “code sniffer” tool has been designed to empower clients to support quality development.

Of course your plugins too will need to adhere to the same high standards so you’ll want to look to your team for guidance on this also – ensuring that the functionality you need is implemented in the right way.

WP Engine

What is WP Engine?

Another popular managed WordPress digital experience platform, WP Engine powers 500,000 digital experiences for 120,000 customers in 140 countries. Like WordPress VIP, it provides organisations with a combination of hosting, integration and support services to manage and optimise WordPress sites.

Who uses WP Engine?

With a reported 5% of the online world visiting at least one experience on WP Engine each day, its client list is large and varied, including well-known names such as SAP, Cancer Research UK, Network Rail and National Geographic.

What are the key features of WP Engine?

The WP Engine digital experience platform is structured around four areas:

  • Agility: including premium themes provided ‘out-of-the-box’
  • Performance: covering a fully-managed cloud hosting offering, with enterprise-grade security
  • Intelligence: tools for administrators to monitor and analyse performance
  • Integration: supporting feature-rich websites through plugins, APIs and partner solutions
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Throughout, its focus is on providing tools to help organisations quickly get started with their WordPress sites. For example, WP Engine provides access to a host of premium themes featuring built-in search engine optimisation, security features and support for the WordPress Gutenberg editor, through its Genesis Framework.

WP Engine Review: Can The Hosting Giant Live Up To Its Reputation In 2021?

WP Engine promises lightning-fast speed, powerful security, and best-in-class customer service for WordPress sites. But is that really the case? Before you sign up you should read this WP engine review and get the facts. Visit

Updated August 20, 2021

Disclosure: Your support helps keep the site running! We earn a referral fee for some of the services we recommend on this page. Learn more

WP Engine is a premium managed hosting service that promises:

  • Stunning speed
  • Powerful security, and
  • Best-in-class customer service.

This managed hosting is designed to deliver an optimal experience for WordPress websites.

WP Engine delivers innovation-driven technology that:

  • Secures your WordPress site
  • Optimizes server settings for faster load times
  • Performs daily backups, and
  • Automatically updates your WP plugins.

You’ll get free site migration and daily backups, CDN (content delivery network) integration, a staging environment, built-in or third-party supported SSL certificate plus heaps more. They also offer a generous 60-day money-back guarantee

WP Engine’s cheapest managed WordPress hosting plan is $35.00 per month.

Need Web Hosting?

If you’re in the market for a new web hosting provider, be sure to check out our user reviews, our A-Z hosting guide and our top three popular hosting picks:

Why Use WordPress-Specific Hosting?

When it comes to hosting a WordPress site there are many shared hosting options available. However, there are important, key benefits to using WordPress-specific hosting such as WP Engine’s.

Here are some of the reasons why using WordPress-specific hosting may be beneficial for your business.

  • Security: WordPress security issues are patched quickly
  • Speed: Scaling can be up to 10x faster
  • Support: WordPress-specific support options
  • Tools: WordPress-specific tools
  • A Staging environment: Spot mistakes before your customers do

About WP Engine

WP Engine was founded by Jason Cohen, Ben Metcalfe and Cullen Wilson in 2010. The company’s headquarters are located in Austin, in Texas, in the United States.

WP Engine is a privately held company. It runs a world-class network infrastructure. The company also has three data centers; in London, Tokyo, and in Midwest of the United States.

WP Engine is a premium managed hosting service for websites built with WordPress. The company specializes exclusively in WordPress and WP Engine is a large-scale, highly-managed hosting service with more than 500,000 customers in 120 countries.

    504 Lavaca Street, Suite 1000, Austin, TX, 78701, United States 512 827 3500 Official websiteFacebookTwitter Founded by Jason Cohen, Ben Metcalfe and Cullen Wilson in 2010.

Introduction to WP Engine

When running a business or project, outsourcing time-consuming IT tasks to professionals can save you time, money, and headaches.

That’s the principle behind WP Engine, a managed WordPress host that keeps your site secure and improves speed.

You’ll get additional features that you won’t get from most hosting providers. This includes daily backups and automatic plugin updates.

WP Engine can handle many other technical tasks for your website as well, leaving you with more time to focus on providing quality content and enhancing targeted promotions for your small business or freelance project.

Compare Popular Web Hosting Plans

We think the following plans will suit the majority of our visitor’s needs.



A2 Hosting

Let’s Check Out Their Hosting Plans

WP Engine has 3 hosting plans plus an option for a custom plan. The number of allowed WordPress installations, storage, and traffic capacity varies across all the available hosting plans.

  • For instance, the Startup plan supports one WordPress site, comes with 10GB of storage, and can handle 25,000 monthly visitors.
  • As of January 22, 2020 you can install up to 10 WordPress sites on the Growth managed hosting plan. This plan includes 20GB of storage and support for 100,000 monthly visitors.
  • And the Scale plan can manage 30 or more WordPress installations plus you’ll get 30GB of storage. It’s perfect if your site receives 100,000 – 400,000 visits every month.
  • For high traffic sites, WP Engine offers the Premium and Enterprise plans. The Premium plan runs on a dedicated server environment and the Enterprise plan runs on dedicated clusters. They can handle millions of monthly visitors and you can use them to manage more than 150 WordPress installations. Storage ranges between 100 GB to 1 TB for both plans.

Other exclusive services on the higher tier WP Engine managed WordPress hosting plans include launch readiness assessment and strategic account management.

WP Engine hosts over half a million websites.

In addition to the features mentioned above, all WP Engine managed WordPress hosting plans come with a number of standard features. For example, unlimited data transfers come as a standard feature.

The same applies to WP Engine’s proprietary EverCache technology, which eliminates the need for third-party cache plug-ins.

What Does WP Engine Offer Small Businesses?

Going with managed WordPress hosting can save you the headaches of handling technical details.

Small business owners with WordPress sites — or those building one — will want to check out these specific WP Engine benefits and features:

  1. A platform that scales with your traffic.
  2. All plugin and core updates are managed for you.
  3. Reliable architecture providing 99% uptime.
  4. Direct onboarding support – no going it alone.
  5. A launch readiness assessment for any new site you’re developing.
  6. WP Engine will partner with you in resolving any issues that arise.
  7. Resources to improve your search engine optimization (SEO), bounce rate, and conversion rate.
  8. A vetted concierge service connecting you with theme providers, website developers, and marketing agencies.
  9. A partnership with Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. WPE has optimized both for WordPress. The benefit to you: top website speeds.
  10. Actionable data to improve your results
  11. A live chat response time that is under 3 minutes on average
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